  • Giving evidence to the new House of Lords select committee on Digital Skills with my colleague Jessica Bland and Martin Wolf from the Financial Times. You can listen to our session here.
  • Taking part in a roundtable at Nesta for new and existing schools building their institutions on a philosophy of creativity and particularly using digital technologies.
  • Presenting via Skype at a UNICEF conference in Montenegro on innovation, impact and evidence in education technology. I recorded my talk and will upload a video soon.
  • Meeting with Ai Media and Janet Clinton from the University of Melbourne to discuss the plans for bringing together and finishing our ‘Visible Classroom’ research project.
  • Celebrating with The Night Zookeeper team and their friends and collaborators at their party for closing their latest investment round. They showed off some great new games they are developing which will be on their website in the coming weeks.
  • Organising lots of travel and plans for next week…
  • Writing a blog post for the TES on the TES and Nesta YouGov survey on teacher attitudes to the new Computing curriculum. I've focused on the fact teachers are going to be proactive and building their own skills as they always do in times of change, and pointing out some resources to support them to do so.
  • Later today I’ll be heading to Rising Star’s summer party to celebrate another year of education publishing.
The Thinking Teacher: Lenses for Teaching. The latest post exploring one of the themes from my book.

This weekend I am running ‘Ed Invent’ down in Brighton.

Next week I am visiting lots of schools to bring the research phase of the Visible Classroom project to a close, as well as taking a day’s leave for a friend’s wedding, and celebrating at the Nesta summer party.